Monday, December 15, 2008

An olive oil skin cleanser cant be effective alone by itself

Have you ever though of using an olive oil facial cleanser? How do you find it? Isn't the experience more relaxing than using other facial cleanser available or is it somehow just the same as the ordinary? Well I'll let you judge that through your experience then. What I need for you to understand in reading this article is that an olive oil facial cleanser product can not stand on its own if it was to be the best cleansing product of all.
Yes, we know that there are a lot of olive oil facial cleanser products out in the market right now that could actually contribute in cleaning the skin by wiping it to the face and doing gentle massages as well but doing that is not enough. As a consumer you want not just to pamper your skin but to be able to achieve a healthy and younger looking skin don't you?
The idea is combining certain ingredients to just one olive oil facial cleanser product that would not only cleanse the skin but, renews, rejuvenates and keep it well balanced with the nourishments that it needs. Well do you think that this is possible? Why not? Well if it's ingredients that we're talking about then better go search the internet to know what ingredients can do that or might as well take note of these natural ingredients that I have here so you can do your further research on them if you want to.
In New Zealand they were able to discover an ingredient that is a breakthrough in skin care technology which has the ability to address issues regarding the lost of certain proteins needed by the skin such as collagen and elastin. This ingredient contains a natural substance called functional keratin that is similar to the protein found in human skin and this ingredient can actually be your defense for skin aging. The ingredient is then called Cynergy TK.
I have another ingredient that you would be interested with, are you familiar with antioxidants? Well they can not be only available to your teas but they can as well be applied to the skin. A special ingredient called Nano-Lipobelle H EQ10 is an antioxidant which is a 'nano-emulsion' form of CoQ10, another ingredient that can penetrate through deeper layers of the skin. It is very effective in eliminating harmful free radicals which will result in a dramatic younger effect to your skin.
So if you're thinking about choosing the best facial cleansers available in the market try to Google out some of the essential ingredients that you may find effective for your skin and then see if they match the ingredients of your product. You'll then find out how effective that product could be in taking good care of your skin.
Click Here to Discover the Results of my Research on the Most Effective Skin Care health products. If you have unwanted wrinkles, fine lines, and damaged skin visit to discover the shocking truth that now one else wants to expose.
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Skin care tips thatll make you glow

If you want to look great, then having great skin is a necessity. Diet and exercise play an important role when it comes to taking steps to improve the health of your skin beyond simply using good skin care products. Not only will it make you feel good about yourself, but the following steps also have many ancillary benefits when it comes to your health and happiness. Dry Brush Exfoliation: This should be done in the morning prior to going in the shower. This gets ride of excess dead skin, thus allowing your skin to detox. This will also help with blood circulation and decreases any puffiness. While this is a great way to improve your skin condition it also provides a calming affect through the gentle pressure, which stimulates the nervous system. With the help of a bristle brush you can be on your way to a dry brush exfoliation once a day in no time.Hydration: This causes your digestion to slow down and in turn leaves your body filled with impurities for longer than it should. You should try to drink 4 litres of water per day, at least. In order to make sure you meet this target have a bottle of water with you at all times throughout the day and you will find it's easy to get through this amount without thinking about it. Don't like drinking plain water? Consider adding flavoring to your water.Fibre: Fibre will improve your diet and your skin at the same time. Most people know that this will make their skin glow, but few know how to realistically eat their RDA of fibre every day. Here's some tips to make sure you manage:1. Brown is better than white. Pasta and bread both have up to ten times as much fibre in them when you opt for brown rather than white. This is an easy dietary change for most people, so at least give it a try and see if you can make the shift.2. Eat apples, and lots of them! Apples are sweet and tasty. More importantly their skins are jam packed with fibre. Try to eat a couple of apples a day as a contribution towards your 5 fruit and vegetables.Get exercise: If you fail to get exercise then you'll notice your muscle tone turning to flab. This has been said to lead to cellulite, acne and bloating. None of which will do your complexion any favours! That's why you have to consider incorporating an exercise plan into your lifestyle. This shouldn't be a chore, and is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Sugar: Sugar may be sweet, but it doesn't do your skin any favours. This is said to be one of the major causes of ageing in the skin. You can easily tackle this problem through ensuring your not having any more sugar in your diet than you have to. This means that a sprinkle of sugar on your cereal shouldn't be an option. When it comes to tea and coffee, it's easy to gradually reduce whether or not you take sugar. If you currently take 2 spoonfuls, come down to zero half a spoonful at a time.
Source: Free Articles

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Overview of obagi skin care system

The Obagi skin care system is a prescription-strength line of skin care products that can only be prescribed by a physician, like a dermatologist. The product is designed to rejuvenate and expedite skin cell growth.
But does it really work? Is it worth the cost and the hassle? Keep reading for a helpful review of Obagi and their skin care system.
Obagi isn't cheap. Because it's a prescription strength system, it can sell for as much as $300 for the full system. Most users will find it isn't covered by their medical plan either, meaning the expense is treated as cosmetic and out of pocket. Many consumers opt for procedures like chemical peels instead, which are comparable in price, but may last longer.
Quality of the Product
Because the Obagi skin care system is FDA-approved, it has to meet a high level of standards with a minimum amount of prescription levels. The product is well made, but can seriously irritate some skin types resulting in redness, a rash or other forms of irritation.
Before trying Obagi, you should do a complete consultation with your dermatologist to be sure the skin care system is right for you. Remember, Obagi is significantly stronger than most over the counter skin care products.
How Easy is it to Use?
There are six steps to the Obagi system of skin care. That means, every night you have to remember which step comes when and how much cream or wash to use in each step. The worst part? If you want to keep the results, you have to maintain the nightly effort. Though it's a good product, Obagi may not be worth all the work.
Most users are really pleased with the six-week rejuvenation system and the ongoing Obagi programs, however the results aren't permanent. Once a person stops using the product, the acne reappears or their skin returns to its previous state.
Another major drawback to the product is the redness and flaking that occurs during the first few weeks of use. Because the product is basically a home chemical peel, the outer layer of skin is removed to make way for fresh new skin. Unfortunately, the process of shedding old skin is somewhat painful and slightly unattractive.
The Final Verdict
The Obagi skin care system is, for the most part, an effective product while it's being used. However, the results aren't permanent unless the patient continues to use the product long-term. For many patients, they may see better results with in-office laser or chemical treatments.
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Top winter skin care tips

Think about the long winter, you think about your chapped and dehydrated skin and cracked lips. Winter gives your skin a dull miserable look that you can do without! Do not curse yourself for those outdoor activities that keep you busy during winter months. You cannot be indoors all the time with your room heater on! With proper skin care and a little bit of precaution, you can keep your skin healthy and make it glow even in those freezing temperature? Let's do.
Winter Care Tips for Skin:
Keep Your Skin Hydrated: Always drink plenty of water so as to keep your skin moist and supple. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables so as to retain water in your body. Also apply coconut oil to your skin before taking bath to treat your dull skin.
Drink Less Coffee, colas, tea and alcohol: In winter, drinking coffee and alcohol make your body loose water more easily and your skin to become dry and chapped. Avoid it, if possible.
Indoor Humidifiers to Raise Moisture: Placing several humidifiers or bowls of water in your home or in your office may prevent dryness in the air and keep it humid. This can also prevent your skin from getting dried and itchy.
Avoid Using Soap: Do not use soap; it makes your skin dry. Instead, apply a paste of green gram powder or moisturizing cleanser regularly for that soft and supple skin.
Use Oil-Based Moisturizer Regularly: Use an oil-based moisturizer, particularly that comes in ointment form, to protect yourself from moisture loss. In humid condition, this ointment containing 80% oil and 20% water and forms a protective covering on your skin.
Take Precaution While Going Out: While going out for a long time, cover any visible part of your skin like face, arms, legs, neck with a thick coating of moisturizing broad-spectrum sunscreen with 15 SPF. You should consider taking your dermatologist advice while choosing the right sunscreen for your particular skin type. It does not mean that you have to buy a costly product. David Boron, MD, a dermatologist in Arcadia, feels that inexpensive products work just well as expensive products. What should be of importance to you is how your skin reacts to that product.
Wear Gloves: When going outside, wear gloves. When wearing woolen clothes, as a precaution, wear loose-fitting cotton gloves next to your skin.
Wear Loose-Fitting Cotton Clothes Next to Your Skin: While dressing for winter, the most important point to remember is that when you dress in layers you sweat. In addition, your body also produces heat. Over heating of your body makes your skin sensitive to become itchy and dry. To prevent this, wear loose-fitting cotton clothes next to your skin. You can wear layers of woolen or winter clothes on top of it to fight cold.
Regularly Exfoliate Your Dry Skin : In winter, regularly exfoliate twice a week so as to remove the dead cells and to open the skin pores to absorb more moisture.
Do not fight winter. Take proper skin care and enjoy the winter in all its glory with glowing and soft skin!
To find out more about Amitabh's work and read articles written by him visit YGoY
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3 types of butt rashes

Butt rashes are more common in women and the embarrassment it causes is often more agonizing than the ailment itself. The good news is that treating butt rashes is simple. Unlike other afflictions, butt rashes seldom get discussed even among women and therefore social circles will be of little or no use in such situations. Let us therefore look at different ways to treat butt rashes.
1. Butt rashes caused by yeast
Yeast infection is very common and it generally affects the penis in men or the vagina in women. The primary level of treatment lies in containing the yeast infection so it doesn't spread further. If the butt rash is a result of a yeast infection then it needs to be contained, for the rash to subside.
2. Contact dermatitis
Contact dermatitis is another form of butt rash and is caused by allergens present in undergarments. This type of rash appears on the buttocks particularly when an individual adopts a sitting posture for long hours. Further, excessive sweating also plays a role in breeding the bacteria.
3. The more serious variants
A third type of butt rash, though uncommon can be more serious and relate to issues like HIV, HSV or even some latent forms of chicken pox.
Topical medication is often adequate to provide relief. However, it is often difficult to diagnose the type of butt rash, except through proper medical examination. Over-the-Counter medication often addresses the symptoms rather than the root cause. However, some of the natural remedies like Tamanu Oil works wonders for most skin afflictions and leaves no side effect. Accurate diagnosis is essential to bring about a lasting cure for butt rashes and your health adviser can decide the best line of treatment to be adopted.
Butt rashes are more common in women and the embarrassment it causes is often more agonizing than the ailment itself. The good news is that treating butt rashes is simple. You can find out more information about it at 3 Types of Butt Rashes
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The real cost of cheap skin care products

Does it ever cross the minds of the people that purchase cheap skin care products that the products cost so little for a reason? I've thought about that a lot lately as I've noticed the droves of people mindlessly picking up cheap skin products. Don't they even care what is in there?
That is one of the things about people who regularly purchase cheap skin care products that have always fascinated me. I can't recall but once or twice when I have seen someone actually reading the label. I have seen them smell the products many times before they throw them in the cart though.
I also wonder if they realize just how many dangerous chemicals went into the fabrication of the scent that they just inhaled. There are over 4,000 of them that are used in the making of synthetic scents, and any number of them could possibly be in the cheap skin products that they have just chosen for themselves.
I don't understand why people are more concerned with the price of cheap skin care products than the ingredients that they are going to be absorbing into their bodies. Many of the chemicals found in these types of products are known for increasing the chances that you will develop certain kinds of cancers.
Cheap skin products are that inexpensive due to the fact that most of the ingredients are made up of these low cost chemical. Most of the major companies in the cosmetics companies use these chemicals because they are cheaper to use, and they are easy to get in large quantities.
If you are one of the people that are currently using these cheap skin care products then I suggest that you switch to a safer alternative. There are products out there that contain ingredients that are safer and more effective than anything that can be found in any of the products that you are probably using currently.
There are a handful of companies that are spending the extra money in order to produce high quality all natural ingredients that are sure to keep you happy and healthy for many years to come. That is something that your cheap skin product could never promise to do for you.
The switch from cheap skin care products to one with fresh, natural ingredients will produce a little bit of sticker shock at first, but it really isn't so bad. The products are only moderately more expensive than your products, and they are going to give you so much more in benefits that you'll hardly believe it.
Cheap skin products have their place in our lives, but of course I believe that place should be in the garbage. These products are simply too risky for people to be allowed to use, and they will probably someday be banned, but for now we have at least a healthy place to turn to.
Quit using cheap skin care products while you still have your health, and go all natural. You'll notice the difference immediately.
Dr. Valerie Rosenbaum is a board certified dermatologist specializing in anti-aging and skin care treatments. She has done extensive research on the way chemicals used in skin care products affect the skin. Visit her website to find out what to look for in quality skin care products.
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How to get rid of cold sores fast- 5 most crucial things to do if you want to get rid of cold sores

Cold sores, or fever blisters, are caused by the herpes simplex type 1 virus. Not only are cold sores annoying, but they can also be painful. If you have ever had a cold sore, you probably wanted to find a way to get rid of it quickly. This article will share how to get rid of cold sores permanently.
Instead of trying to get rid of cold sores, it is better if you can prevent getting the virus in the first place. Cold sores can be spread from person to person through skin contact, such as kissing, touching, and oral sex. It is important to not use personal items of a person with HSV-1 such as drinking glasses, toothbrushes, or towels.
Cold sores will usually appear when you are terribly stressed out. This is when a person is more vulnerable to the virus because the immune system has a more difficult time fighting of bugs.
When you are considering how to get rid of cold sores when you already have them, you should try to keep the symptoms as minimal as possible by catching the cold sore when you feel it starting to come on. Cold sores can sometimes last for weeks, but if you catch it early, you can reduce the healing time.
Here are a few ideas on how to get rid of cold sores:
Keep the cold sore area dry. It is important to keep the area clean by washing it and then patting it dry. For a cold sore to continue its regular symptoms, it thrives on moisture and dirt. If you keep your cold sores clean and dry, the affected area will heal quicker. You can protect the cold sore by using a little bit of petroleum jelly.
After you have recognized that you have a cold sore, you should get a new toothbrush. Toothbrushes can hold onto some of the virus and it will continue to come back. It is also a good idea to change your toothpaste tube if you use your toothbrush to get the toothpaste out.
Eat foods rich in the amino acid lysine. You can also purchase a supplement that comes in pill or powder form. Do not take this supplement if you are pregnant or nursing. You can simply eat a few more potatoes and dairy products.
Lemon balm, Echinacea, tea tree oil, and tea bags contain antiviral properties and can be applied directly to the affected are.
Avoid stress or learn how to deal with it more effectively, and of course it's important to eat a well-balanced diet, exercise, and get enough rest. When you ask how to get rid of cold sores, hopefully some of these answers will help you in your journey to have fewer outbreaks or prevent yourself from getting them in the first place.
Did you know, that it is that it is actually possible to cure cold sores within as little as 3 days? Sounds unbelievable? Maybe, but it's 100% truth and I'm living proof of this. To find out a little known effective method to cure your cold sores in 3 days flat, click on the link below:
Cold Sore Freedom In 3 Days
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